The Type II Diabetes book I recommend

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Marketing will result in increasing brand awareness and sales

What is marketing?

 Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers for the purpose of selling that product or service.

Three key words in this definition; Communicating, Customers, and selling.

In my view the word “communicating” is the most important part of Marketing. All communication done to build a brand should result in  positive behavior by the customers. The most positive behavior is the purchase of the product.

Small food manufactures have the problem of not having enough margin to  allow them the luxury of investing in  effective Marketing or communicating.
But wait! What happens if you can do this effective communicating for FREE? Yes FREE! Would you not want to do this? But How?

You as a small food entrepreneur must master (learn) to use the free marketing tools available today. They are ranked in order of importance;

 Web page
 Facebook page

These five FREE marketing tools can take your company up the ladder of brand awareness and get your sales to a level of profitability without you spending a dime!

What could you spend your time on more productive than learning to master these tools?


Find someone to do that for you and spend the time you were spending on manufacturing learning these marketing tools. If you need help finding a manufacturer for your product call me at 919 349 7874 or e-mail me at and I will help you find a co-packer and show you  how to use the aforementioned marketing tools.

I welcome your comments and they are greatly appreciated.  Visit my web page at to see how I personally use these marketing tools.

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