The Type II Diabetes book I recommend

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How do you pick the right home base business for long term success?

The basic requirements for a long term income producing home based business are:

(1) You should be personally interested in the product or service
(2) The product sold must have a consumer advantage and be competitively priced
(3) The business must be sold by NON-sales type people (everyone is not a sales person)
(4) The Pay plan must be fair and offer weekly checks
(5) The business should be at least three years old

You should be personally interested in the product (business) because you then will be motivated to show it. You can have unlimited knowledge about the business but without personal motivation you will not work your business. Keep in mind you are "the boss". You are the one that has to put out the effort on a regular basis to see positive results.

You should also be using the product or service on a regular basis yourself. When people see you use the product they will see the value and become interested too.

Your business has to be all about the product. If the product is not competitive you will not be able to hold on to customer’s long term. A jazzy, high pressure presentation may get people to sign up, but if they just got caught up in the sales pitch, that’s not going to last long with most people. The product must be competitive and offer a consumer advantage. The product has to be one that people will not get tired of using. It has to offer long term benefits to the user. It can’t be trendy. The product has to solve a problem to make you and your team money.

Everyone cannot "sell". Do not get into a home based business that requires people on your team to have selling talents. You need an army of "customers" on your team with each making you a small amount of monthly income by using the product. The business has to automatically duplicate without individual sales talent. You should "show" your product not "pitch" it. You want people to ask you about the product (after they see it) then you can "show" the features and benefits.

Do not be a recruitment mill. You want people on your team with ambition, instead of a “sucker list” of people who will buy into something but never do anything with it. By that I mean the dreamers, newsletter junkies, or people in such a bad financial situation they’ll fall for anything.

Finally the company itself has to be stable if you want your residual checks to keep coming for years down the road. You can spend countless hours working your business and it is all for zero if the company goes out of business. My rule is not to look at any home based business opportunity unless the company has been in business three years or longer. Companies that pay a weekly benefit along with deep down line monthly checks without balancing or break-a- away are the best. Weekly benefits are important because when team members make some cash fast they get (and stay) excited. Build your team wide for income and deep for long term security.

If you would like to see information about a company that meets the aforementioned criteria click here. Go to my web page here to learn more about me.