The Type II Diabetes book I recommend

Friday, March 7, 2014

Our goal for the Uncle Yammy’s marketing plan is to get 12,000 consumers buying the Uncle Yammy’s brand and through this process we collect contact information allowing us to communicate directly with most of our retail customers. I will publish exactly how we accomplish this goal so you can duplicate the same program for your brand.

Four weeks into our marketing plan for Uncle Yammy’s sauces and rubs we have accomplished the following:

1.     We are receiving phone calls from regular consumers because on one of the videos we gave our phone number.

2.     Out of stocks are in every store because the sales have increased and the automated ordering program has not reacted by ordering more inventory (yet).

3.     We have received calls/e-mails from several retail chains not stocking our brand asking for information. Why? Because consumers are asking for our brand in their store!

Retail sales after three weeks are now at a level that took 12 years to get in our best market.

My next blog post will be about a very inexpensive marketing tool we are using to stay in touch with future customers. Sign up (top of page on right) to get e-mail alerts each time I make a new post to this blog.

Want to see our TV spots? Click the links below.
60 second spot
8 minute video
14 Minute video

Contact  me if you have any questions: or 919 349 7874

Sunday, March 2, 2014

All small food manufactures struggle with selling their products in regular grocery stores. Everyone thinks "sales" is the key to the bank vault of success. They are ALL WRONG. It has ZERO to do with sales and everything to do with MARKETING

What is Marketing? I graduated from the University Of Tennessee in 1974 with a BS degree in business administration with a focus in Marketing. The last two years of college is when you get into the subjects of your major. To be honest  I was asking myself  "what the hell is marketing?" Why was I confused? Because "Marketing" is everything to do with building a brand---EVERYTHING!

The first big corporation I worked for was a company owned by American Home Products called Boyle-Midway. This company had a full marketing department with people focused on each brand. In other words a group of people worked on Woolite, Easy Off Oven Cleaners, Wizard Air Fresheners, etc. Their job was to build the brands market share. There were sixty or more people just working in the "Marketing Department". Every week I received large envelopes full of written materials about what was going on with each brand. I was expected to keep this information in an organized filing system so when I made a sales call I had information to help me "sell" the brand. As you might wonder what was more important--- Marketing or Sales? The answer depended on which side of the fence you were on. It was a constant battle! If the brand did good it was because of marketing. If the brand was declining it was the fault of the sales team.  I can tell you there was a lot of conflict especially at national meetings when we were all in the same place for three days.

Small companies do not have the luxury of having a Marketing department. The owner usually wears all the hats. Over the next few months I am going to try and give the small company owner in the food business some ideas about how good marketing works. Stay tuned and sign up with you e-mail address to get the latest updates on this subject.