Something to think about.....
There is a statistic from June '09 issue of Parade Magazine that states by 2019 over 40% of the work force is going to be independent contractors.
This means that 40% of the population will be their own business identity.
This is a major paradigm shift for how the majority of people earn their wages.
Take a moment to reflect on this…
We all can see the world rapidly changing. But sometimes the hardest change to be made is the change we need to make inside ourselves.
Predominantly, values have been focused on security and benefits. Robert Kioysaki calls this the ‘E’ Quadrant.
If you’re going to be among the 40% who – whether by choice or necessity – are their own business identity, your values will shift to what Kioysaki calls the ‘B’ Quadrant.
How are you getting to the ‘B’ Quadrant?
He says it’s not money that will make you rich, its business skills.
It’s this shift of focus to building business, investing your time into the development of yourself and others and the understanding that the number one asset a person can attain is a business.
Doing so will allow your money to work hard for you, not the other way around.
If you are currently employed you should be thinking about "what can I do NOW to insure my life long security"? The answer? A business you own and control that can be started part time without interfering with your regular work. Click here if you want some ideas.