The Type II Diabetes book I recommend

Friday, August 27, 2010

I get some good questions from people wanting advice. When the questions answer might help more than the person asking it I publish to my blog.


Deborah Mahon August 27 at 8:04am Hi Tom, nice to meet you! I have started my own line of products and I write a food blog based on my life growing up on a 8 gerneration farm in Ohio.I have been researching on how to publish a cookbook along with getting some of my ideas into the market place. Take a look at any suggestions would be appreciated! The Gourmet Farm Girl

My Answer:

Deborah Congratulations on starting your food business! If you have not already found out, there are a bunch of things you could be doing that are not as hard. You have picked a very tough way to make a buck.

Now if you are the type of person that does not get discouraged and you have enough cash to survive the build up I have a few tips for you.

FIRST; marketing on the internet can be successful if you use the following tools. I have listed them in order of importance.

1. A high TARGETED traffic web site

2. A face book page with a minimum of 10,000 fans that are interested in YOUR subject/work/idea.

3. A entertaining YouTube channel

4. Multiple twitter accounts (minimum of six) targeted at different aspects of what you are doing.

5. A well written entertaining blog that is up dated several times per week.

THE KEY IMPORTANT FACT about using these five tools is YOU and YOU alone have to master the use and development of them. Why? Because (unless you have lots of money) you cannot afford to pay a full time person(s) to do this work for you.

OK Tom, how do I learn all about these tools. The first step is do research by reading and studying everything written about the marketing tools listed. This is as simple as a Google search. I have spent about 20 hours a week for the past 2 1/2 years and I am just starting to understand how to use these tools.

Do not get discouraged. It takes four years and $100K to get a BS degree. Learning internet marketing will not take that long and the cost is $0. All this information is free. DO NOT pay for anything until you have read all the "free" stuff.

One exception to this rule; BUY TODAY for $299 the program at this link - This program will guide you step by step in creating a high targeted traffic web site. A nice web site (like you now have) is worthless unless it gets lots of FREE targeted traffic. This program will teach you everything.

One last bit of advice. You are "The Gourmet Farm Girl." I spent about 2 minutes on your web site and did not see a picture OF YOU??? The first thing anyone visiting your web site wants to see is YOU. Internet marketing is all about building "trust". A picture of YOU is the first step in this process. If you are going to be successful with internet marketing you have to let go of some personal stuff.