The Type II Diabetes book I recommend

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Greeting Card market is changing

If there was ever a time that manufacturers and retailers should have a highly-precise idea of what their shoppers are thinking, that time is now.

According to Symphony IRI’s Q2 2012 Market Pulse survey, 51 percent of consumers believe they have made significant changes in the past six months to save money, and 38 percent feel their financial situation has deteriorated during the past year.

As shoppers continue to exhibit concern about the economy and their personal situations, a large group continues to shop frugally. And, “shop frugally” means not just what they buy, but where they buy and how often they buy. Of equal importance is the fact that how consumers approach the notion of “shop frugally” is a moving target. Indeed, it seems that how consumers view frugality is changing on a day-to-day basis.

Adding to an already-complex market environment, the competitive landscape within the consumer products industry is changing at a rapid pace. The Internet is playing a rapidly increasing role in the consumer products purchase process. Retailers across channels are toying with their business models, testing new assortments, new store layouts and, sometimes, completely new store formats. Talk about a whirlwind environment. 

Greeting cards have been sold in all types of retail stores. The internet and advancement in printing technology is changing this business.  Send Out Cards offers consumers a less expensive top quality stock or custom made card that is mailed for them. See how this system works by watching the video at the link below. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Why Do small businesses fail?

According the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 44% of businesses survive the first 4 years in business. How can you improve your chance of long term survival as small business owner?

(1) Must have three years of income in the bank because no small business is profitable the first years.

(2) Must have capital in the bank for all the business needs. Do not start anything without capital and do not count on a banks support the first five years. Bankers know the failure rate too.

(3) Must have a deep knowledge base about the business. You must not be surprised by anything the first three years.

(4) You must be focused and self motivated and be ready to work without a break countless hours and days.

(5) The product or service MUST satisfy a consumer NEED and you must do it better/cheaper than anyone else ever has.

(6) Your company has to have a “Why”. Without that well defined “Why” you will not be successful.

(7) Luck is important but more important is what you do with Luck. (see my previous blog post about luck)

What do you do if you do not have the capital to start your dream business? Keep your current job and start a home based business for $640.00. In three to five years you can make $10,000 a month if you are good and the same in  seven to ten years if you are not so good. This could be your retirement plan.

Full time $3,000 to $5,000 a month is possible in one year. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A SALES PERSON. Find out more at    Call me if you have questions.   919 349 7874